Help: Entry Types

You must have at least one entry type set up in the system if you are planning on recording member checkins to each event. Even if that entry type is just Standard.

Entry types are useful for two reasons - for allowing you to charge different prices to different people based on their entry type, and for allowing you to see afterwards how many people in each category turned up.

The dance studio that this system was initially designed for has entry types like these:

The entry types are completely up to you, although we recommend that you do not have more than about 20 otherwise selecting the correct one gets unwieldy.

Managing Entry Types

Click on Settings -> Entry Types. A full list of all the entry types defined for your organisation is shown.

Creating an Entry Type

Scroll down to the bottom of the "Entry Types" page and click on New Entry Type. Enter the name of the new entry type, and click on Create Entry type.

Updating an Entry Type

You can change the name of an entry type by clicking on the "Edit" icon next to the name. Update the name and click on "Update Entry type".

Deleting an Entry Type

Click on the delete icon, confirm that you are sure, and it will be removed if it is not in use.

An entry type can only be removed if it has not been used to define the price for an event, or used to check someone in.

Members Eligible for an Entry Type

The FrontDesk system can automatically set the entry type for members. You can see the members that are eligible for that entry type by clicking on the name of the entry type.

The dance studio that this was developed for uses this to automatically recognise the students that enter without the requirement for them to produce their student ID every time.