Help: Payment Types

There are three payment types defined by default:

You may define others as required, but do not change the names of the Cash or EFT-POS payment types.

The payment types are used when checking members in or selling merchandise. They are also referred to when reconciling the event, allowing you to determine how much money you should have in your cash drawer compared to how much was received electronically.

Managing Payment Types

Click on Settings -> Payment Types. A full list of all the payment types defined for your organisation is shown.

Creating a Payment Type

Scroll down to the bottom of the "Payment Types" page and click on New Payment Type. Enter the name of the new payment type, and click on Create Payment type.

Updating a Payment Type

You can change the name of a payment type, although it is strongly recommended that you do not change the names of the Cash or EFT-POS payment types. You can change the name of a payment type by clicking on the "Edit" icon next to the name. Update the name and click on "Update Payment Type".

Deleting a Payment Type

Click on the delete icon, confirm that you are sure, and it will be removed if it is not in use.

A payment type can only be removed if it has not been used to check in a member or pay for merchandise.