Help: Event Types

You probably regularly run different types of events that have different prices, or different start and finish times. Regardless of this, you must have at least one event type before you can start checking in members.

Managing Event Types

Click on Settings -> Event Types. This displays a list of all the event types for your organisation.

Event types are displayed in the order that you require when creating an event. You probably want the most commonly used event types at the top. You can re-order them by clicking on the up and down arrows next to the event types.

Creating a New Event Type

Click on New Event Type. Give your new event type a unique name. It also requires the usual start time and finish time for the event type. Enter these, and click on Create Event Type. The start and finish times will be applied by default every time you create a new event of this type.

Update an Event Type

You can change the name of an event type if required. It must be unique for your organisation though.

Delete an Event Type

You can delete an Event Type if it has not been used to check in a user, and has not had any prices assigned. The system will tell you that an event type cannot be removed if it is in use.

Setting Prices

Click on the dollar sign next to the event type to set the prices for each entry type. This is where you can set what the price charged for each entry type is. Only these entry types will be displayed when checking members in, and the appropriate price will be displayed.

To set a price:

You can update the prices, including changing the amount, changing the default payment type, or deleting it. You're able to delete entry types from the price list for an event type at any time.

You set the default entry type for an event by clicking on the "Default" radio button and clicking on Set Default.