Help: Merchandise

You may have merchandise items that you routinely sell. This could include multiple entry visit cards, items of clothing, or food and drinks. The FrontDesk system allows you to record these purchases too.

Managing Merchandise

Click on Settings -> Merchandise. This displays a list of all the merchandise for your organisation.

Creating a new Merchandise Item

Click on New Merchandise Item. Give your new merchandise item a unique name and a price. Click on Create Event Type.

Update a Merchandise Item

You can change the name of a merchandise item if required. It must be unique for your organisation though.

Delete a Merchandise Item

You can delete a Merchandise Item if it has not been used. (i.e. no member has purchased it) The system will tell you that a merchandise item cannot be removed if it has been sold.

Who has bought an item?

You can find out who has purchased this merchandise item by clicking on it's name.